Increase Forecast Accuracy

Enhance accuracy with numi's advanced forecast method selection—blending traditional and AI methods.

High Product Availability

Knowing what will happen in the future avoids out-of-stock situations and puts the focus on critical materials.

Increased Efficiency

Avoid manual data preparation and offline Excel files with daily updated forecast data.

Reduce Inventories

The integration of forecasts into our inventory optimization raises a significant inventory savings potential.


Forecast Engine

Navigate Tomorrow with Precision
Diverse Forecast Methods:
Access 15+ AI and traditional forecast methods.
Best-Fit Selection:
Automated selection of best-fit methods.
Customized Algorithms:
Get tailored algorithms to enhance accuracy.
External Demand Driver:
Integrate CRM, IoT, macroeconomics or other external data sources.

Demand Plan Collaboration

Develop a holistic plan with your demand teams
Hierarchical Adjustments:
Flexibly adjust your demand plan on various planning levels and time buckets.
Integrated Planning:
Unify volume, marketing and finance plans effortlessly at one single place.
Proactive Alerts:
Stay informed with our proactive anomaly alerts and push notifications.

Demand Plan Insights

Monitor your Demand Planning
Forecast KPIs:
Use predefined or customer specific forecast KPIs to evaluate your planning performance.
Outlier Detection:
Select from an automated anomaly and outlier detection or override them manually.
Promotion Insights:
Monitor your promotion efficiency.

Business success through Forecast Accuracy

Learn more about the benefits of monitoring Forecast KPIs
In the intricate landscape of modern business, the ability to anticipate and strategically plan for the future is not just an advantage; it's a necessity. Forecast Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) stand at the heart of this endeavor, serving as the compass by which companies navigate the uncertain waters of market demand, supply chain complexities, and evolving consumer behaviors.

By understanding and effectively tracking forecast KPIs, organizations can unlock insights into future trends, better align their resources with anticipated demand, and ultimately, forge a path toward financial resilience and growth.
Read more in our blog
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Discover numi and how it can help you optimize your supply chain processes. Book a free demo now. We are looking forward to meeting you! 🚀

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Optimize your Operational Purchasing

Use numi's Replenishment App to make your purchasing activities as efficient as possible. Put the right materials in your warehouse at the right time with the most cost-efficient purchase order transactions. Let's strive for automated replenishment decisions.

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Optimize your Inventory Planning

Optimize your stock levels with the Inventory App from numi. Daily recommendations support you in optimizing your ERP parameters and increasing availability. Optimal inventory coverage across your network.

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